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Korean J Med Hist > Volume 23(2); 2014 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical History 2014;23(2): 269-318.
doi: https://doi.org/10.13081/kjmh.2014.23.269
스포츠세계의 반도핑 정책의 전개과정(1968~1999): IOC활동과 국내의 대응과 전개를 중심으로
황의룡, 김태영
한국외국어대학교 사범대학
Anti-doping Policy Development Process in the Sports World (1968~1999): Focusing on IOC Activities and Passive Response from Korea
Eui Ryong Hwang, Tae Young Kim
College of Education, Hankuk University of Foreign Sudies, Seoul, Korea. ktyoung66@hanmail.net
Received: June 30, 2014;  Accepted: July 29, 2014.  Published online: August 31, 2014.
This study investigated the anti-doping policy promoted by the IOC historical sociologically focusing on the period from 1968 to 1999. Public opinion surrounding doping control has emerged as a large amount of drug possession by athletes who had participated in the 1952 Olympics was caught, as well as following the acident where an athlete had died during the competition as a result of doping. From 1960, as many doping cases in sports games were exposed, several international organizations proclaimed fight against doping in order to seek a preventive measure. In 1961, the IOC newly established a medical commission within the organization. It was decided to implement doping control and female sex testing at the same time for all athletes who participated in the 1967 Olympics, and they were implemented from 1968 winter and summer Olympic Games. In 1971, the provisions for the tests were prescribed as mandatory on the IOC charter. From 1989, the OCT system was introduced as a measure to overcome limitations of the detection during competition period. As political problems and limitations emerged, WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) was established in 1999 to professionally manage and push for doping control. Female sex testing policy contributed to preventing males from participating in female competition by deceiving their gender to some extent. However, it was abolished due to strong public condemnation such as women's rights issues, social stigma and pain, and gender discrimination debate. In 1984, a doping control center was established in Korea, which enabled drug use or doping in the sports world to emerge to the surface in our society. Korea Sports Council and KOC articles of association that supervise doping related matters of Korean athletes were revised in 1990. The action of inserting doping related issue in the articles of association was taken 20 years after the start of IOC doping policy. Beginning with two international competitions in the 1980s, Korean athletes experienced doping test directly, yet education about doping was limited. However, some national team level athletes tested positive on the doping test and underwent disciplinary action. In addition, athletic federation or leaders acquiesced athletes doping made secretly; this indicated that South Korea was also not free from doping. It was found that Korea world of sports showed very passive countermeasures and development process.
Key Words: Sports doping, IOC-MC, Anti-doping policy, Doping control, Female sex testing, OCT, KIST doping control center, Korean doping test
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