Korean Journal of Medical History 2008;17(1): 87-98. |
주현측(朱賢則)의 생애와 활동 |
홍정완1, 박형우2,3 |
1연세대학교 의과대학 의사학과 2연세대학교 의과대학 해부학교실 3연세대학교 의과대학 동은의학박물관 |
Life and Activities of Chu Hyun Chik |
Jeong Wan Hong1, Hyoung Woo Park2,3 |
1Department of Medical History, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea. 2Department of Anatomy, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea. 3Dong-Eun Medical Museum College of Medicine, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea. |
Chu Hyun Chik was one of those who graduated first from Jejungwon Medical School in 1908, and had carried on an independence movement as well as religious, educational, and social movement both as a doctor and a Christian. He opened the Inje Hospital in Sunchon, North Pyeongan Province in 1909, and was put in prison on charges of being involved in Incident of '105 People' as he joined in Sinminhoe in which christians(Christians) from Gwanseo showed their initiative. With 3.1 Movement as a momentum, he started to raise funds for an independence movement mainly in North Pyongan Province, as a councilor of the Ministry of Finance of Shanghai Provisional Government of Korea. After he moved into Andong, Manchuria, he continued to support the spread of an independence movement by connecting Shanghai Provisional Government of Korea with the country. In October, 1919, he came to Sanghai as an exile and lead diverse activities as a member of Shin Han young man party and one of the leading men of Korean Christendom, especially related to An Chang Ho and christians around him and joining in Hungsadan. In 1925 when he returned home, he opened the Dongje Hospital and devoted himself to the developments of religious, educational, and social movement as a president of YMCA, Sunchon and an executive of a branch of Suyang Donguhoe in Sunch'?n. By Incident of Suyang Donguhoe he was put in prison, resisting Japanese Imperialism and died in 1942. |
Key Words:
Chu Hyun Chik, Chejungwon Medical School, Sinminhoe, Incident of 105 People, An Chang Ho, Hungsadan, Suyang Donguhoe |