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Korean J Med Hist > Volume 12(2); 2003 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical History 2003;12(2): 97-109.
세조의 『의약론』에 관한 연구
황임경, 황상익
A Study of Treatise on Medicine by King Sejo
Im kyung Hwang, Sang Ik Hwang
Department of the History of Medicine and Medical Humanities, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea. hwangsi@snu.ac.kr
This paper explores historical backgrounds and contents of Treatise on Medicine written by King Sejo (r.1455-1468) including his views on traditional medicine and pharmacy in the early Chosen period. The Treatise declared by King Sejo in 1463 has been considered as an important and unique manual of medicine because it was the exclusive example written by the king of Chosen. It was the King Sejo's era when the medical milieu in both social and medical aspects was highly encouraged thanks to the previous achievements by King Sejong the Great (r.1418-1450). King Sejo, in particular, who was much interested in practical learning called 'Miscellaneous Studies' emphasized on court medicine. His writing can be understood in such historical frame. Another reason why he wrote the Treatise can be said that he felt necessary for establishing the medical ethic codes for inefficient court medicine-officials. In personal background, he tried to find available remedies since he had been suffered from some chronic diseases. The contents of the Treatise can be broadly fallen to the clinical and ethical aspects, In the former one, the Treatise focuses on treatment without hesitation through the sharp and exact diagnosis by medical doctors. In the latter one, eight categories of medical doctors are discussed according to their moral degrees, sim'eui, sik'eui, yak'eui, hon'eui, kwang'eui, mang'eui, sa'eui, and sal'eui. Finally, musim'ji-eui was supplemented. Among them, sal'eui, medicine-official laking both medical ability and ethical attitude, was classified as the lowest degree, sim'eui, medicine-official sincerely making his all efforts for patients, was thought to be a paragon of medical morality. In conclusion, the Treatise on Medicine by King Sejo played an important role as a manual for the principle of medical practice and for the instruction to enhance ethical attitude among medicine-officials.
Key Words: King Sejo, Treatise on Medicine, Medical Doctor, Eight Categories of Medical Doctors, Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine (Huangti Nei Ching)
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