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Korean J Med Hist > Volume 4(2); 1995 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical History 1995;4(2): 175-177.
북한의 의학서적
박형우, 여인석, 노재훈
Medical books published in North Korea
H W Park, I S Yeo, J H Rho
Department of Anatomy, Archives of Medical History, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea.
In those days, commercial and cultural exchanges between South Korea and North Korea become more active than before. But in medicine, there has been no activities of exchange and we don't know much about medicine in North Korea. We have some information on medical systems in the North, but we know little about how the medical activities are, what achievements they have made and what kind of medical books have been published. The authors classified 575 books according to their specialties and publishing years and analysed the characteristics and tendencies of medical books publishing in North Korea.
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