Revised on January 30, 2023
Manuscripts for submission to Korean Journal of Medical History should be prepared according to the following instructions.
1. The Korean Journal of Medical History (KJMH) publishes three issues in a calendar year (April 30, August 31 and December 31).
2. Criteria for Submission
(1) Scope of Contents: The submitted articles must have been neither published nor submitted for publication elsewhere. The article content should deal with academic issues relevant to medical history.
(2) Categories: Articles, Book Reviews, Introduction to Primary Sources, etc.
(3) Keywords: When submitting articles, the author should also provide a list of less than 10 keywords in English.
(4) Abstract: The abstract should be written in English and no less than 500 words. The KJMH encourages extensive English abstracts to enhance its international readership.
(5) Authors: When there is more than one author, the first-listed author is the lead author, and the last-listed author may be regarded as a corresponding author. If the article has been accepted, the information including authors’ affiliations and e-mail addresses is provided on the title page.
(6) Framework: The article should consist of contents and references, etc. In particular, regarding the style of contents and references, the author should follow the rules provided in Article 4 of the internal regulation of the KJMH association. The maximum manuscript length is limited to around 5500-6000 words.
(7) Submission: The authors should use e‐mail to submit their articles as electronic files to the KJMH association office.
(8) Copyright: The KJMH has all the rights for all that are published in it. If the author and/or the publisher who wants to use part or all of the publication in the Journal for other purposes, including copying, distribution, broadcasting, performance, exhibition, or other secondary uses, the author and/or the publisher should get written permission from the Journal.
3. Principles of Review
(1) The editorial board reviews the suitability of topic, contents, and style of the submitted article by appointing three editors to review the article.
(2) The editors shall make one of the following decisions after examining the article according to its topic, contents, and style, as based on the guidelines of the review criteria: publication (A); publication with correction (B); re-submission after amendment (C); and reject (D).
(3) The editors shall clearly and precisely describe the reasons for C and D decisions.
(4) The editorial board summarizes the editors’ decisions and makes final judgments according to the following principle.
AAA·AAB: Publication
AAC·ABB·ABC·BBB·BBC: Publication with Correction
AAD·ABD·ACC: Re-submission after Amendment, or the Final Decision by the Editor-in-Chief after the Additional Review by One Editor
ACD·BBD·BCC·CCC: Re-submission after Amendment
(5) If the article is rejected for publication, the author can request a re‐examination with reasonable arguments against the editors’ decisions. If the editorial board holds that the re‐examination request is reasonable, it can ask other editors to review the article. However, the author cannot further argue against the results of re-examination.
(6) The editorial board will determine the publication of book reviews and introduction to materials.
(7) When providing review requests and decisions, the editorial board makes the authors and editors anonymous.
(8) The authors should respect the editors’ decisions of amendment.
4. Writing rules
(1) The author may write specific Korean or Chinese terms in parentheses when explaining English words, if it is necessary. Medical terms must conform to the most recent publication of the Dictionary of Medicines that is published by the Korean Medical Association.
(2) The author should use Arabian numbers, and the unit of calculation in the article must conform to the rules of the international standard unit (SI unit), e.g., ㎏, ㎖, ㎜, Hg, sec.
(3) In-text citations in parentheses should be placed within sentences and paragraphs.
① The basic style for in-text citations includes author’s last name, publication date, cited pages.
A. Work by a single author → (Smith, 1993: 23-25; Warner, 1996: 120-145; Rosenberg, 1993: 94-99).
B. When citing a work by two authors, cite both names in the text. When a work has more than three authors, include only the last name of the first author followed by “et al.” → (Smith & Morgan, 2003: 21-32; Warner et al., 2009: 31-35).
C. Multiple works by the same author → (Smith, 1993: 12-14; 1996: 192-201; 2001: 21-24).
D. Two or multiple works → (Smith, 1993; Rosen, 2003; McNeil, 1996).
E. An author who has published one more works in the same year → (Smith, 1993a: 12-14; 1993b: 23-25; 1993c: 78-90).
F. Multiple pages in the same work → (Smith, 1993: 12-14, 45-47, 90-101, 123).
H. When citing materials from online sources, include author, online publication date or information about print publication if available. If no author is identified, use the publisher or sponsor of the site. → (Christensen, 2013; CNN, 2012; U.S. Dept. of Education, 1967b).
I. When citing pieces from newspapers, classical, medieval, and early literary works, the Bible and other sacred works, unpublished interviews and personal communications, individual documents in unpublished manuscript collections, and well-known reference works (such as dictionaries and encyclopedias), cite them as footnotes, not in-text citations. You generally need not include them in your reference list, unless you choose to include specific articles that are critical to your argument. Or, you may cite articles by weaving several key elements (i.e. the name and date of the paper, and the author of the article, etc.) directly into your text. Only upon approval by the editorial board, you can cite any other sources listed in Section (3)-I, by using footnotes.
② When directly quoting from a work, start the quotation on a new indented line, followed by the author’s last name, the year of publication, and the page number in parentheses → Susan Sontag describes illness as follows:
Illness is the night-side of life, a more onerous citizenship (Sontag, 1978: 3).
③When using footnotes to reference articles, books, and historical materials with the author’s explanation, the author must provide footnote numbering in the form of a superscript. In the case of referencing articles and books, the author, in principle, you must provide the author, publication year, and pages, such as seen in ①. → ²) According to Sontag, everyone is born to hold dual citizenship (Sontag, 1978: 3).
(4) The author must provide a reference list which contains a complete list of all the sources that you have cited directly in your article, and the references should be at the end of the article. The author needs to categorize “primary sources” and “secondary sources” in the references, and the author’s list should follow in alphabetical order. If there are scholarly works of the same author, the order should be based on publication year. The following examples illustrate the general citation styles of reference list.
A. Book → Rosen, George, A History of Public Health (Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993).
B. Chapter or other part of a book (or an edited volume) → Worboys, Michael, “The Discovery of Colonial Malnutrition Between the Wars,” David Arnold, ed., Imperial Medicine and Indigenous Societies (Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, 1998).
C. Book with an editor(s) or translator(s) → Warner, John Harley, and Janet A. Tighe, eds., Major Problems in the History of American Medicine and Public Health (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2001). → Camus, Albert, The Plague, Stuart Gilbert, trans. (New York: Knopf, 1948).
D. When listing multiple works by the same author published in the same year, distinguish from one another by inserting a lower case letter after the year. → Berndt, T. J., “Age Changes and Changes over Time in Prosocial Intentions and Behavior between Friends,” Developmental Psychology 17 (1981a), pp. 408-416.
Berndt, T. J., “Effects of Friendship on Prosocial Intentions and Behavior,” Child Development 52 (1981b), pp. 636-643.
E. Article in a print journal or a newspaper → Durling, Richard J., “The Innate Heat in Galen,” Medizinhistorisches Journal 23 (1988), pp. 210-212. → Tayler, Patrick E., “The History of Medicine in Korea,” New York Times, 24 March 2001.
F. Ph.D dissertation → McCharles, Beth L., “Life Histories of Women in Coaching,” PhD diss., University of Toronto, 2010.
G. Electric sources include the author, title, online publication date or information about print publication if available, owner or sponsor of the site, URL, and the date the author retrieved the information. When an outside source is available in both print and electronic form, authors should normally provide bibliographical information for the print version. → Christensen,Jen, “Study: Mental Illness, Not Combat Causes Soldier Suicides,” CNN.com., 7 August 2013. http://edition.cnn.com/2013/08/06/health/soldier-suicides-cause-study/index.html?iref=allsearch. Accessed 9 August 2013. → “McDonald’s Happy Meal Toy Safety Facts,” McDonald’s Corporation. http://www.mcdonalds.com/corp/about/factsheets.html. Accessed 19 July 2013.
(5) Tables and figures should be placed as close as possible to the text to which they refer. Label all drawings, photos, charts, graphs, maps, tables, etc. as “Table” or “Figure” above the image, followed by an Arabic numeral. Below the figure or table, include the short citation to the figure or table in the same style corresponding to the section (3).
→ Table 1. M.D. Personnel Changes in the U.S. during the 1920s
(number of persons) |
(Stevens, 2006: 480-7) |
→ Figure 4. Hirsch’s Transsphenoidal Approach |
(Hirsch, 1955: 287) |
5. Research and Publication Ethics: For the policies on the research and publication ethics not stated in this instruction, ‘Good Publication Practice Guidelines for Medical Journals (https://kamje.or.kr/intro.php?body=publishing_ethics)’ or ‘Guidelines on good publication (https://publicationethics.org/resources/guidelines)’ can be applied.