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Korean J Med Hist > Volume 10(2); 2001 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical History 2001;10(2): 124-134.
일제의 농촌 침탈과 농촌위생연구소
A study on the pillages of the Korean rural villages under the rule of Japanese Imperialism and the Research Institute for Rural Health
Kyu Sik Lee
Department of Pathology, Wonkwang Health Science College, Korea.
The pillages of the Korean rural villages by force under the rule of Japanese imperialism resulted in the extreme impoverishment of the Korean agricultural communities. Especially this was accelerated due to starvation, ignorance and the poor sanitary conditions on the part of the Korean farmers. The research institute of agricultural community hygiene founded by a Korean doctor, Young Choon Lee was the beginning of the rural medical institute that contributed greatly to the disease prevention and health improvements of impoverished farmers.
Key Words: Young Choon Lee, Research Institute for Rural Health
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