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Korean J Med Hist > Volume 3(2); 1994 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical History 1994;3(2): 232-251.
淸代 溫病學說의 성립 배경에 관한 연구
A Study on Background of Doctrine for Seasonal Febrile Diseases in The Qing Dynasty
Soon Shik Shin
Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine, Korea.
The seasonal febrile diseases had been studied before Qing dynasty, but it was accomplished in Qing dynasty because of high incidence of the epidemics in those days. I studied and analyzed epidemics in Zai Yi Zhi of Qing Shi Gao on the reasons and patterns as yearly, regional, and seasonal parameters. Based on these analyses, I want to report how the doctrine of seasonal febrile diseases could be established in Qing dynasty. The incidence of epidemics was very high during the regimes of Kang Xi(1662~1722), Yong Zheng(1723~1735), and Qian Long(1736~1795) Emperors, the most advanced period in Qing dynasty. The diseases occurred at least once per two years, although, somtimes twice or 5 times per a year. Once it was developed and then smashed through the whole China, especially in Jiang Nan. It was the main reason why the four greatest scholars in the doctrine of seasonal febrile diseases came out from Jiang Nan. These diseases appeared most highly and worst in summer as pestilence. These resulted in the development of the studies of epidemics in those days. Based on the clinical studies of fever-related diseases, the scholars of seasonal febrile diseases tried to cure them with endless and continuous efforts. Finally, they could complete the doctrine of seasonal febrile diseases in Qing dynasty.
Key Words: Qing Shi Gao, Doctrine for Seasonal Febrile Diseases, Epidemics
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