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Korean J Med Hist > Volume 19(1); 2010 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical History 2010;19(1): 69-87.
동아시아의학사 연구의 동향과 전망
The Trend and Prospect of Studies of East Asian Medical History in Korea
Kyuhwan Sihn
Department of Medical History, College of Medicine, Yonsei University, 134 Shinchon-Dong, Seodaemun-Ku, Seoul, Korea. jerryq@yonsei.ac.kr
Studies of East Asian medical history in Korea have progressively accumulated in the last twenty years. First, Korean scholars broadened the focus of research from China-centered research to East Asian research. Studies of Toyo medical history in Korea mainly concentrated on Chinese medical history. Toyo medical history originated from Japanese orientalism and imperialism. Today the studies of East Asian medical history in Korea include Korea, China and Japan, and attempt to deal with East Asia as a single conceptual category. Second, researchers in East Asian medical history are steadily increasing. They study Chinese medical history or Japanese medical history from universities. As they continue their research in academic positions, successive researchers emerge. Third, the number of Korean scholars remains relatively small, but they pursue original research. Their interests are in the discourse of East Asian medical history, colonial modernity, environmental history, oral history, and history of disease.
Key Words: Toyo medical history, East Asian Medical History, Colonial Modernity, Communication of Scholarship, Environmental history, Oral history, Disease history
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