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Korean J Med Hist > Volume 9(2); 2000 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical History 2000;9(2): 212-232.
군정기의 보건의료정책
The policy of the United States Army Military Government in Korea toward public health and medicine in occupied South Korea
Jwa Seop Shin
Office of Medical Education, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea.
After the liberation from Japanese colonial rule in August 1945, the United States of America established Military Government in Korea(USAMGIK) south the 38th parallel. The public health and medical policy of the USAMGIK was defined by the USA's general policy toward Korea, and followed national interests of USA after the end of the World War II. The basic objectives of the early occupational period were two; the protection of the occupation troops, the prevention of acute epidemic diseases and unrest in the populace. However, after the switch of occupation policy to the establishment of pro-American anti-Communist nation in Korea since June 1946, the basic objectives turned into 'the establishment of the influence of American medicine in Korean medical system.' During the occupation period, USAMGIK trained several pro-American right - wing doctors who formed the clique of policy makers in the independent government, and established many quasi - American public health and medical systems in Korea.
Key Words: United States Army Military Government in Korea, United States Armed Forces in Korea, Public Health, Medicine
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