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Korean J Med Hist > Volume 7(1); 1998 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical History 1998;7(1): 13-22.
舊韓末 近代西洋醫學의 수용 과정 연구(1)
Introduction of the modern western medicine in late Choson period (I)
Sang Ik Hwang
Department of the History of Medicine Ethics, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea.
Generally it has been thought that the modern western medicine was introduced into Korea by Japanese physicians and Western missionaries. But some recent studies have revealed that in the late Choson period, Koreans and Korean government played the essential roles in the introduction of it. This paper summarized and discussed the self-reliant activities of Koreans at the time, mainly in introducing the smallpox vaccination method and establishing Jejoong-Won Hospital, the first modern hospital in Korea.
Key Words: Modern Western, Medicine, Late Choson Period, Smallpox Vaccination, Jejoong-Won Hospital, Self-Reliant
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