Korean Journal of Medical History 1992;1(1): 45-63. |
한국 장내기생충 감염의 시대적 변천과 그 요인에 대한 관찰: 1913년에서 1989년까지 |
서홍관, 황상익, 채종일 |
Study on the Transition of Intestinal Parasites in Korea from 1913 to 1989 |
Hong Gwan Seo, Sang IK Hwang, Jong Il Chae |
Department of Family Medicine, College of Medicine, Inje University, Korea. |
This study was performed to review the transition of infection rate and major factor in decreasing pattern of intestinal parasites infection in Korea. The results of this review study are as follows: 1) The first study on the intenstinal parasites of Korean was performed by Muta(1913): he reported egg positive rate of A.lumbricodies 80%; that of T.trichiura 93%; that of Hookworm 65%. 2) After then the egg positive rates of A.lumbriciodes among Korean people has been higher thant 80% until and after Korean war. Owing to the biannual mass chemotherapy for 20 years be K.A.P.E.(Korea Association for Parasite Eradication), a decreasing pattern was recognized after 1960's. 3) The nationwide egg positive rate of A.lumbricodies was estimated by M.H.S.A.(Ministry of Health and Social Affairs) and K.A.P.E.(1971, 1976, 1981, 1986) to be 54.89%, 41.0%, 13.0%, 2.1%. 4) The causal agents in decreasing pattern of intestinal parasites in Korea are multifactorial such as mass chemotherapy, environmental sanitation, public education, improvement in socio-economic status, development in antihelminths, increase in use of chemical fertilizer, acceleration in national industrialization and so forth. 5) The infection rate of Korea is still higher than that of Japan and Taiwan but lower than any other countries in Southeast Asia. Nevertheless it is apparent that the present situation is not satisfactory and in this sense more effective and efficient control program is desirable. |
Key Words:
Specialization, Modern physiology, Experimental method, Physiological thought, Institutionalization |